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2008-02-05 - 10:35 a.m.

This I do believe...

Many people in the world believe in themselves and their land. Many believe in the system within which they were raised. Often, that includes nationalism, patriotism, and a sense of duty to protect those things, and therein, their sense of being and identity. In essence, they feel that when they stand up for their country and their systems, they are standing up for themselves and what gives them a sense of being. It is a sense of self definition, without which they would be in an unknown system, and the unknown is frightening.

I am a citizen of the United States of America. I was not born here, I was naturalized when I was a kid, but I was old enough to have an understanding of what it meant to try and cling to the old familiar ways, the former sense of identity. I went through the process of shedding that old knowledge, allowing the reality and the value of the new to be upheld and judged fairly against the old. It was not a clean process and it would take a braver soul than myself to have it be clean for them. Within what was shed away, the standards, the protections, the familiar, and the trusted had to be weighed and judged. The newly acquired had to pondered and estimated objectively, although that is extremely difficult to do since most of us have a subjective understanding of our own objectivism. Friends, family, old culture, new culture, location and personal knowledge and history all took part in shaping how and what I compared of what was to be shed away and what was to take its place. Those same forces also influenced the outcome of what new sense of being became established.

I only went through this transformation once. It was not an easy process and I am not quite sure that it is completely over yet. I have had friends that I watched go through the same process and there were times that I was baffled by the extremes of emotions that it caused them, and the severity of the changes in their attitudes and behaviors. However, the one common trait in the transformation for these people and myself was the eventual conclusion to which we came regarding objective standards. That is to say, although the culture may have lingered in some, the sense of old patriotic duty wavered, and the benefits of what standards are upheld here in the United States were acknowledged. The liberties struck us as truly much more valuable than our old ways with which we defined ourselves and felt protected. I would call these liberties the objective truths that make this country great and make life worth living here.

So what is happening now? There are many kinds of people in this world. I would venture to say that a majority of the world would feel as I did, were they to come to the United States to be new citizens here.

The minority that would not feel this way are the ones that are affecting the rest of us today. Two of these minority types are the ones that either a) held steadfastly to their old ways, and felt the need to convert the rest of us to their ways (feeling they were protecting us, or protecting themselves in the process) or b) had no sense of duty to anyone or anywhere to begin with, and our liberties were their ticket to exploiting us for their own personal benefits, regardless of any sense of loyalty or duty to upholding the liberties that gave them benefaction. The former group are the terrorists who cannot see this freedom for what it is and for what it means to humanity. The latter groups are the leeches and the moochers who also cannot see this freedom for what it is and for what it means to humanity.

The terrorists are not the group I am afraid of. They come from the outside, they use force and they can be repelled. The groups I am afraid of are the latter two, the leeches and the moochers. Leeches and moochers work slowly, over time, from within, eroding us. These are the people who take advantage of the systems of freedom and liberty without a sense of loyalty to it, without the need to uphold that which sustains them and gives them their sustenance. They are either so unaware of the consequences of the erosion of our liberties that they never feel the need to contribute to their upkeep, or they are the ones driving the liberties to the ground with full awareness, gaining power and influence at every step of the demolition.

These two, the leeches and the moochers never had a sense of transformation. They never had the opportunity to shed the old, stand naked before the world, and gain the new, step by painstaking step. These two never shared the world with anyone, and they always feel that the world, the earth and its people, owes them something for being here.

We can visualize these icons, the leeches and moochers, as many different types of people. They can be the beggar on the street, the con man taking people's hard earned property, the international financier, or the corrupt "statesman" whose allegiance lies with whomever has the power at that moment.

The beggars and con-men have always existed. Although they remain small-time, they still erode the system of liberty as a whole. They are the moochers, because they take but do not contribute to the upkeep. They deprive the system of their own personal contribution. If enough of them existed, they could erode the system completely making what liberties exist not worth having because the liberties would only be useful to those remaining in a wasteland. Fortunately for us, there are more of us than there are of them.

Then there are the leeches.

As the world grows smaller, those people making money on an international level feel the growing need for more and more money, and influence, and power to survive. Even if these individuals had the allegiance, at some point, to one country or one system, including the United States, the desire for survival and growth would be the catalyst for the erosion of that allegiance. It is just like running a business...given competition, if one is not renewing, growing and gaining ground, then one is becoming stale, stagnant and dying. So too the leech must grow, and that must necessarily be at the expense of the source of its

What has protected us from such people over time has usually been the laws we have created for our civilization and the standards and duty to which we have held the officers we choose to uphold those laws. These laws demarcate our borders between right and wrong, as well as the line which we hold to be the border between liberty and depravity. The parts of these laws that were simplest to understand were mandated by the people who founded the United States. These were the laws that maintained the right to Life, Liberty and the Freedom to pursue Happiness. These laws are sovereign. These laws are supposed to be inherent to our nation. They are the laws that were common-sensically necessary at a time when being the subject of a king or queen or any monarchical figure meant that they owned you. The establishment of these laws freed us from the leeches that these monarchs or nobles were. These laws established the sense of equality and the freedom to choose among human beings and evenly distributed the duty of civilization to every child born. These laws brought the "divine rights" and the detestable idea of "noble" vs. "common" to its knees. Consequent to the establishment of these laws, we saw civilization flourish.

These are now the laws that demarcate the protective boundary that the modern leech is not supposed to be able to cross. These are the laws that make us happy despite not being as rich and powerful as the leech. These laws are the enemy to the leeches, and with their money and their power, they are helping disassemble this border for their own gain. One sovereign bit at a time, right under our noses.

I use the term leech in order to compare the actions of these people (monarchs and nobles of old, and the rich desirous internationalists of our present times), relative to the respect they hold for the people that make up humanity, and the esteemed values that humanity has created to be considered intelligently civilized. They thrive as leeches do, because human kind, individual by individual, gives them its creativity, its work, and its product. Human kind, individual by individual, gains a living wage and a stable place to exist. Human kind also gains the opportunity to move into the position where they can lead or orchestrate this productivity. The leech gets to live outside of this sphere of reciprocity, and to sell the creativity, work and product for maximum profit, to the highest bidder, regardless of consequences to their source. Within the sphere that makes up civilized humanity, greed can be a resource that drives the engine keeping people on the path of equality toward continued Life, Liberty and the Freedom to Pursue Happiness. Outside of the sphere, the endeavors of others are a threat, as they comprise greater and greater competition and smaller and smaller pieces of the power to go around. Therefore, the greed practiced by those acting as leeches is not for productive purposes, but greed to subvert those taking its money, influence and power, to the point that the whole of human civilization is under total control, and the leeches' power is absolute.

So where am I going with this? Well, I love the liberty and sovereignty that is practiced in the United States. People around the world aspire to have these liberties and such sovereignty, albeit they would also like to keep their culture and sense of patriotism. Indeed, I would argue that good fences make good neighbors, and it would lead to productive friendly competition were this to happen world-wide.

However, the forces that control our money and our governments cannot deal with internal competition because it takes away parts of their power, money and influence. In order to remain powerful, they cannot let anyone else have the capacity to get to where they are. They are eroding the sovereignty of the United States for their own benefit (or survival, you might argue). They will do this while they pretend, to us, that they are trying to bring total safety to the world and we must submit because the enemy is out to get us. If we, as the People of the United States, truly stand as the bastion of freedom aspired to by the people of the world, we MUST protect ourselves from having these freedoms taken away while we are too busy living, enjoying or fearing for our lives. The true enemy is not the terrorist. The true enemy is the people chipping away at the freedoms of our Constitutional rights. They are practically waving it in our faces while they do it. Our information age grants us access to their work. We are just too busy looking the other way, looking over our shoulders or being entertained, while they do it. The institutions that influence our government, our chosen officers, those whom we picked to execute our laws are deceiving us. They are in the employ of the leeches. Go to the resources that display their actions. See and read it for yourselves. They are giving our freedoms away to the people and institutions interested in destroying the competition and productivity that makes us the great nation that we are. Our government is giving us away to the leeches.

You want names and proof? Look at the people running campaigns to be the leaders of our nation(s). Look at the leaders of the organizations running our sources of information. Look at the networks, friendships and organizations they belong to. Read the information about those organizations, as stated by those organizations. Read about who founded them. Read their history. Read what they stand for. See their exclusivity. Understand their motive and their purpose.

I will give you a start...almost every single remaining candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election in both the Republican and Democratic parties, those flaunted moment by moment in every major source of media belongs to the Council on Foreign Relations (the C.F.R.). Go to the C.F.R. membership pages and you will see. Read the other publications and watch the videos of their members' speeches and you will see their desired outcome for the world. They do not hide what they say. They make it quite clear. There are also other organizations and people you can look into...The origins and owners of the United States Federal Reserve Banks. The Bilderberg group. The founding members, stockholders and contributors of the Bank of England, UBS, ABN, and RBS. Listen to the speeches of the former and current Prime Ministers of England, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown. Read or listen to the speeches of George Herbert Walker Bush and Richard Cheney at the meetings of such exclusive organizations they belong to. They are easily obtained on the public internet websites. There are many leads from these sources that I have not yet followed. I am just writing because of what I have read that is just the tip of the iceberg that is this larger picture.

Read, investigate, assess and decide for yourself. Do not stop just because it was difficult. If you feel a sense of duty to protecting the lifestyle you love, you must decide if these people are out to take it away from you. To become your new monarchs. To leech away your life and to make you their serf.

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